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Join us Online during Lockdown!

** The Online Choir has been paused as we go back to in-person rehearsals. Should there be another instance of lockdown then we'll be right back online where you can join us from anywhere across the globe! **


Due to Covid-19, we aren't able to meet in person with our community choirs at the moment - so we have moved online!


Our aim is to keep you singing, get you moving, and get some endorphins flowing! You can join us from anywhere in the world, and you don't have to be a member of the choirs to join. We'll be meeting via Zoom each week to learn some new up-beat songs, and have a good distraction from everything that's going on in the world!


We know that this last year has affected everyone in different ways, so these online sessions are "pay-what-you-can." If you're able to, please consider paying the regular community choir subs (£5), but if your budget is limited then just pay what you can, or consider sharing our social media posts - and come along with your best energy! Singing is incredibly good for you, so we want to have you there with us whether you can pay or not!


Tuesdays: 7-8pm  Online Choir


We'll be singing from 7-8pm; you can invite your whole household along for a fun group activity, or make that hour for yourself doing something you enjoy (and an excuse for no interuptions for an hour!) 
We'll email you a link to zoom and lyrics each week ahead of the rehearsal. 

After 8pm we have some time to chat together with occasional quizzes and games. 


Wednesdays: 11.00-11.40am Online Choir - Kids!


This one's for the home-schoolers! A 40 minute session of singing for children in the primary school age bracket - learning, singing, moving and a solid distraction for parents! We're running it both by Zoom (which will be a more interactive experience) and Youtube.
We'll email you the Zoom link ahead of each week (along with lyrics which you can print to help with reading) or tune into our Youtube channel to catch the livestream. 


We'll be running these online sessions for as long as there is a call for them - and they are open to everyone, so please feel free to invite friends from near or far!


Get in touch to be added to the mailing list.


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